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Leadership - Introduction

Churchill, Truman and Stalin at Potsdam Conference

The Cold War was a conflict between the USA/allies and the USSR/allies. It was a very complex conflict. The USA and USSR never actually went to war, although they came close at times. They also fought through intermediaries, for example the USSR helping Communists in Cuba. They clashed in the media and through sport. One area which showcased the Cold War was the way in which rival leaders regularly clashed. As Cold War tensions developed in 1945, the British leader Winston Churchill had some prominence. However, even by the summer of 1945 the Cold War was really a struggle between the USA and the USSR. In this section, we are going to look at a number of different ways in which leaders and leadership played a key role in the Cold War.

There are three activities, which teachers are encouraged to integrate within their existing schemes of work. If you would like to integrate any resources into your lessons without using the activities suggested here, you can also go straight to the resource bank to search or filter all videos, images, activities and more within the entire LGfL Cold War resource (

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